Our Solution
eProfiler Solutions starts with a new patented science that uses the electrical properties of biomaterials (i.e. cells, proteins, amino acids, DNA, RNA, any living organism) to uniquely determine the identity and state of these biomaterials. For chemicals, it builds on existing electrochemical science with proprietary sensor science and technology that delivers breakthrough cost efficiency, sensitivity and consistency. eProfiler Solutions combines this new patented science with standardised, single use and proprietary biosensors and standardised measurement devices to deliver highly consistent results in the form of digital data – and this data is then analysed using consistent algorithms and made available in the cloud to support shared research access and collaboration. Tests and associated analysis take sub 5 minutes, or longer if sample preparation is required such as nucleic separation. There is no requirement for computational analysis or data administration - and minimal requirements for device setup and training and therefore minimal opportunity for operator error.
As the unique electronic ‘fingerprints’ of eProfiles are captured in eProfiler Solution’s eProfile Library, the range of applications and utility of an eProfiler device grows. Tests using either eProfiler Solution’s biomaterial or chemical characterisation device are fast, cheap, accurate and simple with test results immutably recorded and analysed in the eProfiler Solutions Cloud (a SaaS platform built on AWS). eProfiler’s devices are the size of a tablet and sit on a lab desktop. Existing Electrometers and Potentiostats might also be used in place of eProfiler’s devices. Just two very similar eProfiler devices cover the full range of chemical and biomaterial characterisation applications - and future plans could see these combined into a single device.
The digital transformation of biological and electrochemical research is enabled by simple, low cost characterisation with unparalleled levels of reproducibility and comparability.
Statistically relevant tests in scientific research and for quality assurance in production requires multiple sample lines and replicates - and the ability to establish the comparability between these sample lines, between replicates, and with control reference points. Tests need to reproduce the same results where sample lines and replicates can be established as parallel. eProfiler’s solutions support this need for consistency, reproducibility and comparability. This is vital across pre-clinical research where, for example, early stage drugs are tested on cells engineered from stem cells. It is vital along the research and production supply chains of living drugs found in advanced cell therapies. It saves money and time in electro-chemical research. eProfiler’s solutions enable this reproducibility with fast, low cost, accurate and simple tests using low cost and generic sensors and measurement devices - with automation of test data capture and analysis.
The design of future research should start with eProfiler’s solutions to support statistically relevant and reproducible tests - so test planning starts with eProfiler’ Research Planning Tool and then eProfiler’s solutions measure comparability and changes consistently across all sample lines and replicates - and in many cases will diagnose changes, measure concentrations, and contamination etc. It supports how research is structured and quality controlled and in many cases what is being measured. Also, real-time transparency supports agility in adjusting downstream research activities in response to research findings.
The overall result is a step improvement in innovation productivity. Better, more reproducible research is executed faster at less cost. The electrical properties of materials is a new dimension of knowledge added to materials research. The need for skilled resources is reduced and experts can spend more time on science rather than administration and computational tasks. Research on incorrect hypotheses can fail faster and at less cost. Research on correct hypotheses can progress faster and with greater confidence in findings.